Financial contribution provided by the Bratislava self-governing region for the implementation of measures of social legal protection of children and social guardianship according to the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 305/2005 Coll. On social law protection of children and on soc. and amending certain laws.
The aim of the project is to work with various interventions (social counseling, family counseling, crisis intervention, etc.), mostly in a field form with the family as a complex whole and at the same time to perceive and saturate the needs of individual members. In the natural environment of our clients, we perceive a more significant opportunity to observe the real functioning of the family (mutual interactions) and the environment, but also their cooperation (clients have a sense of security, safety in their own familiar environment). The services provided in the natural environment are significantly more accessible and easier for clients to accept than in the institution. The target group consists of children, adolescents, adults under the age of 25 and other adults (parents or persons who personally care for the child) in accordance with § 2 letter. a), b), c) of Act no. 305/2005 Coll. on the social legal protection of children and on social guardianship and on the amendment of certain laws. These are families that need help because they are unable to deal with family problems, adapt to a new family situation or a family with a specific problem without professional help.